
Dear Parents and Students,

In the light of the Covid19 pandemic, it is really a daunting challenge for all of us alike. Yet we all are doing our best to provide fruitful academic experiences through virtual learning. We have even conducted online assessments successfully. We thank you all for your support and cooperation.

Now as the time is approaching for our Half-Yearly Examination, we would like to inform you that we shall be conducting the assessments online in the same manner like we had done last time in NLP. The details of the assessments are given below. Remember that all the assessments being conducted will decide your promotion to the next Class. Hence, consider all the assessments as very very important and that you don’t miss any one of them.


1. Classes I & II – Periodic Assessment-II (40 Marks)

2. Classes III – X- Half Yearly Assessments I & II (40 Marks each)

The times are still uncertain and we are not sure when we will be able to resume our regular face to face classes, and for this we need to depend on the directives of the government. Therefore, we request you all to kindly continue with your support and cooperation in all that we initiate. Thank you.

Stay Safe & Take Care


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